I'm going to release the new GROW in the near future.
I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.
I succeeded for a new attempt.
I developed this new game by trial and error, in the face of great
I had no idea what was happen.
Well, it's nearly finished with my work for it, although it includes as 80%
as originally scheduled, because of technically difficulties.
It has been a while,I'm proudly offering you this new GROW.
Don't miss it !
This game is for technical SNS [TECROSS] managed by NineSigma Japan.
I've challenged the new mode of expression this time.
I appreciate you would enjoy the newborn GROW.
to play GROW game series]
Click panels in your selected order.
Items you click will grow and grow with each turn.
You will complete the game when all panels' level is max.
They effect each other as they grow.
So you have to think about the clicking order.