I gave 1 point to the No.1.
When someone was hard to choose between the 2 games, I gave 1 point
to each
At the top is<CUBE> as everyone expected.
<Island>was good second.
I didn't expected that.
It is owe to the hidden ending I think.
The 3rd one, <RPG>
These games are big 3 games in the EYEZMAZE.
For me as a creator, I want more point for <TOWER> and <ver.1> than
By the way, I surprised at <nano3>.
It got 6th even it's name is nano.
Many people said [almost][ it's as good as the top] for <nano>.
If I changed the way of counting, it might make it higher up.
It took less time to make <nano> than other games.
Only the right way has good animations.
Is the concept of this game good?
Ah, it couldn't gain such a popularity if the head wouldn't fall
at the end
of the game.
Well,this time was an only GROW questionnaire.
If and when the opportunity arises, I want to have a questionnaire
on the
other games.
Someone said [Dwarf complete is the best.]
I want to do it by an automatic CGI questionnaire form as possible.
But I'm sure that it will soon be full of terrible spam comments.
Does anyone know the CGI questionnaire form with the highest-security
level? |